Geraldine Spinks Cate (1910-1998) was a musician, music educator, and socialactivist in chiefly in Raleigh, N.C. She studied at the University of SouthCarolina; Westminster Choir College; Teachers College, Columbia University; and theJuilliard School. Cate held positions at Silliman University in the Philippines,where she was sponsored by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Churchin the U.S.A.; Peace College, the Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, and Saint Mary'sCollege, all in Raleigh; the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem,N.C.; and other institutions. Cate was especially dedicated to interracialreconciliation. Gerry The collection includes letters, photographs, printedmaterial, and other papers related to the activities of Geraldine Cate. Travelmaterials chiefly consist of letters from Cate to her family in South Carolinaduring her time spent as an instructor at Silliman University in the Philippines andwhile traveling internationally with Nell Hirschberg, travel diaries, and otherdocuments. Included is documentation of Cate's mother's trip to Japan in 1938. Alsoincluded are school records, performance programs, clippings, resumes andapplications, awards and honors, letters, student work, and other papers relatingthe institutions in which she studied or taught. Photographs are chiefly of Cate andthe choirs with which she was associated. There are also two photograph albumsrelating to her time in the Philippines. Note that there are no files related to Cate's activistactivities.